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Home News Cherish when you buy

Cherish when you buy

Cars are good things, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, wheelbarrows are all good things to help us save time and improve efficiency.

But the better things are, the less we cherish them until the moment we lose them. Of course, today I will talk about the value of the wheelbarrow is not serious enough to use "regret and" to describe it!

Maybe a lot of people will say, things are old, bad should be thrown, but please! Is it that things are so fragile and old, bad or because they don't know how to cherish them so fast, so bad?

Whatever it is, if we buy it back, we should take the responsibility to protect it.

So now I'm going to talk to you about how to maintain a wheelbarrow and reduce the speed of damage (cough, it seems to turn a little bit faster).

First, protect the tires.

Every time travel comes back to check if the tyre is tied to a nail or something like that, if there is a leak, if there is, you need to go to the garage. If there is a long period of slow tire leakage, the air in the inner tube will be exhausted first, and then half a teaspoon of talcum powder will be poured into the inner tube. Then the problem of slow air leakage can be solved.

Second, screw loose.

It is necessary to check the wheelbarrow regularly, which is related to our personal safety. We need to check whether the screws of the unicycle are loose, and the other parts are in good condition to ensure the safety of cycling.

Third, auto parts maintenance.

We need dry cloth to dry moisture to prevent rust after the unicycles are caught in the rain. It's dangerous to break the brakes on a unicycle, especially when you're on a trip, and if you find that the brakes are a bit bad, you have to find a professional mechanic to fix it. After all, life is not a joke.

Fourth, appearance maintenance.

A man's face, a bark, and a wheelbarrow must be clean. Once in a while, take a shower with your baby unicycle, and look comfortable and clean.

All the items we buy are replaced with hard-earned hard-earned money, and you are distressed by your own money (except tuhao, of course). In a word, buy a unicycle, buy a small car, buy anything good, we should learn to cherish.